I often see rinkhals on overseas snake site's. All these snakes are WC snakes from South Africa that where sent there relatively recently. Another thing is that all the rinkhals owners say they have kokstad locality animals. So literally all the rinkhals I've seen or read about on these forums are from kokstad. Logic says to me that all these snakes where therefore (most likely) sent by one person. This whole thing upsets me because in my mind I see 100s of our indigenous jewels being caught out of the wild to be sold overseas buyers just for a quick buck. Rather than go on living secretly disliking someone I dont even know I thought I'd inquire on not just the legality but also the morality. Some of the snakes died but many have done well so not all is bad. I do realise that wc snakes have to be acquired in order to produce cb but morally speaking should we not breed them here in SA and then export cb snakes. That way we are selling better animals and have less impact on the wild population. For argument sake if every female gives birth to 10 babies then for every 10 snakes you would of taken out the wild your only taking 2 (mom and dad). This is better for both the snake population and the people receiving the snakes as they are already first generation.
So can anyone tell me more about what happened here.
Id also like to here other opinions.