My beloved herald died

At one stage or the other, we all deal with a death. It is never nice losing a pet and thus, you can share your loss with the rest of us and share your memories so that they will be remembered.

My beloved herald died

Postby Viper101 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:13 pm

Hi, passed Friday I found my Herald dead, she ate a frog just 3 weeks ago and with the winter creeping in she was slow and not very active or at least I thought so because of the winter cold, just assumed hibernation was kicking in, well clearly I was wrong, I feel really bad...

I rescued the snake from a friends neighbors house back end 2009 just before they were going to slash her with a spade because they don't no know the story....

anyway, she was around 45 cm when I found her and was not a large Herald like others I saw in the past, she grown bigger but only to around 60cm.

not sure how old she as when I found her, possibly 3 to 4 years and I had her for almost 7.

she ate mostly grass frogs I caught in ponds and rivers and rain frogs and sometimes she ate Roughes toads (skurwe padda), I brought up some tadpoles towards winter to have some frogs available throughout the winter months, she ate often except mid winter she'd go without eating for like two months, but she was always fine and loved to bake in the sun and to sail outside on the grass and into small shrubs, sitting there for hours.

Just loved this snake !

could someone tell me how long does it take for a Herald from baby to adult ?

Most people erroneously call a snake the Puff Adder, Night Adder, or Blowing Viper, So, naturally they will kill it....
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