Hi Guys/Gals
After a few of the recent topics blew me away, I thought I had better make an effort and get out into the field.
This morning turned out pretty warm so I headed out about 30km from Rosh Pinah in the south of Namibia.
I didnt have a particular target species, so out I went with all my gear. I have spent quite a bit of time in the area (not the exact spot) so I wasnt expecting anything different; just the usual.
I didnt see any snakes, but found a decent selection of geckos, including two lifers for me, which is quite rare for me these days, especially in an area I have spent so much time in.
Lets start with a species I had found before, Pachydactylus montanus. This species does something very strange with their tails when provoked. Hard to explain in words. I should make a short video next time.
Spot the Agama atra...
Here is a female Trachylepis sulcata
Hadogenes tityrus
First lifer, Goggia gemmula. This species has a VERY limited distribution.
Adult with regrown tail
Second lifer, and a special on for me, Narudasia festiva. I totally wasnt expecting to find this species so when I saw the first one I though it was another Goggia, until I noted the claws.
Adult with stump tail
Youngster with full tail
And lastly, one I am unable to ID. I know it is Typhlosaurus sp, but only one species is supposed to occur here and this is certainly not it. I sent the pics to a few guys so let's see if I get a confirmation.
Love the orange tail
Thanx for looking.
"I am dying by inches from not having anybody to talk to about insects." - Charles Darwin