Dear all,
Finally I was in South Africa some days ago. It was a great experience and we drove a lot of kms to visit Karoo/Namaqualand (1), Kalahari (2) and tropical areas (3). In the eastern parts of Northern Cape the weather was very cold (12-13º at night) and we only find 1 gecko in roads. In the kalahari the weather was hot and in the rest of the country not bad. But it was strange to find one night more than 5 snakes, and the next night, in the exactly same road and with similar conditions, 0 snakes.
Special thanks to Dean, Westley and Nick of the forum. I tried to talk with Marius Burger, Johann Marais and Tony Phelps but they never give me any answer (...), so it was great to have a bit of help from the people here (not records, just general info about the country). When anybody visit Spain or Morocco and wrote me an email and I check that he is a good herper and not a smuggler (web, photos, general info) I usually try to help people. I don´t really understand why some people don´t help me. It´s like if some people only help you if they get money of you
I find very difficult to make a identification of all species so if any of you can help me, I would really apreciate it (here in the forum or by private message). ... 787907589/
In Kzulu Natal we found a big snake (more than 1,5m) DOR. The head was very flat and destroyed so the ID is difficult. Maybe Dendroaspis polylepis or any Psammophis?