Summer Finds, a month in review.

Accounts and photos of non-captive reptiles in their natural habitat in South Africa. Try to record with your account details such as time of day/night, temperature, weather conditions, lunar cycle, sex, rough age of reptile, and so on.

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Summer Finds, a month in review.

Postby Fooble » Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:02 pm

The summer herping really officially kicks off in December (For me anyway). The finds were broken into three concise trips as detailed in the routes below:
I managed a few new species I've never seen nor photographed before which is always welcomed.

Trip 1:

Trip 2:

Trip 3:

Seems my post content can't load any more links (after trying) so here are all the pics:
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Re: Summer Finds, a month in review.

Postby rvanhuyssteen » Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:08 pm

Nice post. So many interesting animals and amazing photography. The Xenocalmus are too cool. Any tips on locating Chamaesaura? :lol:
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